Up…down, In…out, the rods of the cylinders work all the time. They are the life of any and every excavator (and bulldozer). In the midst of all this, the seals and packings keep it all together. The hydraulic fluids push in and out the piston within the cylinder to move the rod up and down. The seals and packings in turn, keep the fluid in and the rod in place for a smooth operation.
In time though, the seals and packings break down for several reasons. Normal wear and tear, the life of the material has expired, the temperature of the hydraulic oil is too high, there are abrasions in the housing or rod that cuts into the seals and packings, etc… Whatever the reason, one needs good reliable products. We know this and we try our best to provide you with the best. Because here at Pacer, we believe in QUALITY.