Forward or Reverse? This is fundamental in any motorized vehicle, be it a car, a boat, a motorcycle or a bulldozer. Every vehicle has a transmission which controls its movement and every transmission is being controlled by discs and plates within. After sometime, these discs and plates will wear thin and something called slippage will occur. When this happens, the operator will have a hard time moving the equipment forward or backward. The only way to fix this would be to replace the discs and plates.
However, unlike a vehicle, an equipment uses a lot more discs and plates to control its movement. It is also used to control the steering system of some units. It is used to control the swing or turn of other units. And in some units, it is even used to control its braking system.
This is the importance of having good discs and plates in your equipments. It should have good grip as that is how the disc and plates work, via friction. It should be compact and dense so that its components do not just flake off as this could harm other components of the transmission. The materials should be of high quality and sturdy. In other words, they should be trustworthy. We know what our customer needs and we strive to give the best quality at the lowest price. Because here at Pacer, we believe in RELIABILITY.